Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pics: Ice Climbing_Kayaking

When I was near the Glacier, I found out they had an indoor ice-climbing gym. My brother Mark ice climbs and loves it, so I decided I would give it a try, in his honor. I thought I would have to do major pull-ups/upper body strength stuff, which I failed in my 5th grade rope-climbing test. But to my surprise, it was as easy as climbing a ladder, as long as your toe and ax picks lodge securely in the ice. Do I look like a pro? Then that same day, as if I hadn't enough adventure, (actually, now that I think about it, I also did my helicopter flight that same morning!) I decided to go kayaking. It was fun, I loved the smooth water and the views around the lake. And, interestingly, the water was black. Something about the dust from the surrounding mountains.

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